Early Inductive Paddles


This page is dedicated to documentation on
the first, or earliest version
of the Hughes Power Control Systems Magne Charge early "thin"

First, we have a video presentation done in 1994 showing grid "Load
Management" system in development by Hughes.  It also
includes an overview of the v1 Magne Charge system
using the early thin paddles.

The next set of pictures  show some of the various advertising
for the early thin paddles of the
c1993/'94 Hughes Mange Charge paddle configuration.



We are looking for these old style 'thin' paddles
& charge units for restoration / history projects.  Any
condition, working or not.


If you have, or know of one, please contact us at

magnecharge (at) tzev (dot) com


These early "thin" paddle chargers are c1993 / '94 equipment.
As shown, the paddle reciever on this system is
9.26mm ( .355 in. ) wide.

They were re-called and replaced with the 13mm ( .500" )
wide paddles in '95/'96 timeline so we know
that they are long since obsolete.

This early paddle was substantially thinner then the post '95 units
used in '96 - '03 EV1s, '97-'98 S10Es, '98 Nissan Altra EV, and later
in the Toyota Rav4-EV, all widely known as
LPI (Large paddle inductive) or SPI (Small paddle inductive).

If you know of a possible source for an old Magne
Charge paddle please write us at:

magnecharge (at) tzev (dot) com

--- > Thank you  < ---


---> Additional pictures below <---
