EV1 Frame Front Cross Bar Gussets


Upon acquisition, the collection's first EV1 was missing much
of its front frame structure and several components
had to be remanufactured from various pictures and drawings
as available. This page displays the process of beginning to determine
what options we had to recreate the missing components.

The EV1 uses forward machine stamped gussets to support the
forward cross-bar assembly.  Here are some pictures of the process
we encountered in making replacement gussets.

Rather then a machine stamping process which would have been
prohibitively expensive for a low quantity of parts, we chose to make
custom units through a waterjetting process. Interestingly
the EV1's Body Repair Manual mirrored the process we utalized to
repair this section, with the exception of the machine
stamped spares.

With no parts available for comparision
we developed the forward
cross bar gussets from
scratch with historical drawings and
photographs, mostly from the EV1 manuals.

Here are
a few pictures of the results including some of the original
OEM body repair manual schematics.


---> Additional pictures below <---
